Wallas | Country Living

There's something so special about summer in Texas & it's not only the 115+ heat 😂
For me it's the evening light. Clear skies while the sun sets is just perfect! It’s the energy that comes from the sun on your skin & the happiness that radiates from children that are on break. Life is just better.
Kristen reached out last year to get some family photos done, but with her families busy schedule it took us a few months to get this session scheduled & shot. It happens, we all have super busy lives and a ton going on, but I’m so glad we were able to get it done.
To make life easier on their end, they didn't even have to leave their house for this shoot. Yeah, these were all shot on their property; TALK ABOUT A FLEX.

I’m always super nervous about shooting on private property, mostly because I have never shot there before and don’t know what to expect. The position of the sun can effect how any session goes & not knowing how the location will be lit is HUGE. So I was a bit nervous going in to this shoot. Funny thing is, when I pulled up to the address Kristen gave me, I realized… I HAD SHOT THERE BEFORE! How you ask?? Well… I’ll tell you.

So a few years ago, I shot a wedding in Poteet for some friends of mine, (Chris and Jackie).

Fast forward a few years, I’m covering a volunteer event for H-E-B & Kristen is there! At this point, as far as we know, we don’t know each other. But we get to talking and realize we are from the same area and know a ton of the same people. So we exchange info.

Well I didn’t know it then, but Jackie and Kristen are good friends & Kristen let us use her property for Jackies bridals. The day we shot, Kristen wasn’t there, so I didn’t get to meet her. I briefly met her and her husband on their wedding day, but like most wedding days, everyone is running around getting things done, so we interacted, but that was that.

So when I pulled up to their house for their shoot, I told her that I had shot there before and she was like “wait what???” & I told her about the bridals and it all came full circle. The world is so small & these are the things I love about growing up in a small town.


Savannah + Jacob | Married <3


Casarez | Party of 5